
All the goings on with this website

I decided I didn't like the look of this site, it was my first attempt with Wordpress after all. Anyway, I kept the layout the same, but I redid the bulk of the graphics and colors. As well as fixing as much as I could of Wordpress's sloppy HTML and CSS coding from the default theme they provide. I'm still [...]

Everything seems to be finally in place now. I have just a few more tweaks left to do, mostly browser specific adjustments. I really don't have much to report on from over the Summer. I have begun work on another children's book, which I am hoping to have done by Christmas. I plan to use some of my vacation days [...]

I've been making some changes lately. I just switched my hosting to something a little simpler and less expensive, and I've also ditched my own custom content management system for WordPress. I figured it just wasn't worthwhile continuing work on my own custom CMS when there are plenty of better and free alternatives out there. And I figured I may [...]

It's been a while since I've written a blog, mainly because I don't have much to report on. I'm still in the hunt for a "satisfying" full-time job to replace my "not so satisfying" job, and find a publisher or agent for my book, which appears to a very daunting process. I may just go it alone and self-publish the [...]

Another day, another March Twenty Productions website design. This the sixth incarnation of my own personal website, and it is now the most complex and sophisticated. This site is powered by a content management system that I've built. With it, I can include new items without going in and messing around with the HTML code. I will also try and [...]

I finally began the very slow process in revamping this site (for the 6th(?) time in 6 years). I decided it was time to lighten this site up a bit, and consolidate all of those links you see there on the left. I just don't know what I was thinking at the time. It will probably follow a structure similar [...]

Wow. This site is only a year and a half old and I already have some desire to rebuild it from scratch. I think I will go with simplicity(tm) for the next design, that seems to be the new direction everyone is going. Hopefully I will be able to come up with something better(tm). Whatever I replace it with, it [...]

As it stands my site is pretty much complete. Well, until this time next year when I decide to start all over again. In the end, this site turned out the way I had originally envisioned. I pride myself in knowing that I went out of my way to make this site (and other sites I design) as w3c compliant [...]

Since this web site went live a couple of months ago, I have managed to get everything online that I intend to. Pretty much all of my finished works are one this site, though I do have several active projects that are not on this site as of yet. More recently, I have inserted a site wide and internet search [...]

Welcome to! This is the fifth, and very blue, version of my personal website. As well, it hosts my animations and my many 3D images and my various website designs. This site began many years ago through a free Roadrunner web hosting service that grew into the site that you see here today. The reason that the site so [...]