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If you want to read a heartwarming and festive children's book this holiday season, you might want to check out Mistletoe's Night! This book tells the story of a teddy bear named Mistletoe who was made to be a Christmas decoration but was thrown away by his owners one day. Mistletoe then embarks on a journey to find a new [...]

As a much-belated follow-up to a post I wrote back in 2001, I had the intention at the time of making an original module for the game Neverwinter Nights (the game can still be bought on GOG.com) that I called Forever Lost. Even though I never got beyond writing the outline, creating names for some of the characters, and thumbing [...]

Curiously I tried out ChatGPT and asked this question: “Tell me a story about a teddy bear.” The results are quite interesting. The AI-generated story is entirely believable and works well as a simple children's story. Once the AI-generated artwork algorithms improve, I could create an entire children's book instantly... 🤔 Once upon a time, there was a beautiful and [...]

For a creative writing class that I took several years ago, we were tasked with writing a short parable or fable. The inspiration for this short story came from The Æsop Fables for Children section on the Library of Congress website. The fable I wrote centers around the interaction between a bear cub 🐻 and a fish 🐟, and the [...]

You can now purchase a digital copy of Mistletoe's Night through the Apple iBookstore app for the iPad and iPhone. Hopefully, I can get it on other ebook devices (like the Kindle) as well. To find it, simply type 'mistletoe' in the search box in the iBooks app. You can also buy it as an epub file from Lulu as [...]

You can find everything you want to know about this book right here. What Mistletoe's Night is a story about a teddy bear whose sole purpose in life is to be a Christmas decoration... until one December day, he is thrown out with the trash and has to find a new home. Get the Mistletoe's Night on Lulu Why A number [...]

This has been another pretty quiet year for me, besides a crummy job and limited social life, BUT I can now cross off two more things on my lengthy projects list: REMLAB is now officially completed from the standpoint of the initial goals that I intended to reach. I do plan on improving and expanding REMLAB over time (there's plenty [...]

First up, the next version of REMLAB is coming along smoothly. I have most of the Inner Sphere level 2 material and a little of the level 3 in (mostly weapons). I'll add the Clan material once I complete the IS stuff. Second, I just set up a web page for my book. It's still under construction and doesn't have [...]

This is the complete list of movies that I enjoy more or less.  Some of these movies are well known while some of the others are lesser-known cult classics.  This list is composed of the movies that I feel are worth writing about. James Cameron's Films Hands down James Cameron is my favorite film writer-director to this day. All of [...]

I wrote a story that I want to make into a Neverwinter Nights mod, la-de-da.  It's part of my new strategy, as to landing a decent job... maybe.  Unfortunately, this game won't be out until spring (*praying*), so I have no idea if it's even possible for me to create this mod.  We'll see...