The Blog

Read all about my exploits

Everything seems to be finally in place now. I have just a few more tweaks left to do, mostly browser specific adjustments. I really don't have much to report on from over the Summer. I have begun work on another children's book, which I am hoping to have done by Christmas. I plan to use some of my vacation days [...]

I've been making some changes lately. I just switched my hosting to something a little simpler and less expensive, and I've also ditched my own custom content management system for WordPress. I figured it just wasn't worthwhile continuing work on my own custom CMS when there are plenty of better and free alternatives out there. And I figured I may [...]

By in large I have nothing really new to report in my life. I've regularly uploaded photos from my various activities to my Picasa Web Album and some videos of my niece to Vimeo. As for Mistletoe's Night, it's now available in its entirety for free as an ebook on Scribd (nope) and you can now purchase the paperback of [...]

I finally received my first royalty check from Lulu. It's not a lot of money, especially considering more than half of it was from direct family members (Mom). But, it certainly helps when you don't have much to begin with. It will probably cover half my license plate renewal that's due next month. Also I recently made an e-book version [...]

I finally bought myself a decent digital camera. I was getting tired of borrowing my parent's camera, which wasn't a very good camera, to begin with. Anyway, it's a Canon PowerShot A590 that I got on sale from It's not the greatest camera ever made (there is a reason they make thousand-dollar cameras), but it seems to have pretty [...]

I dumped a few of my scenic photos on Panoramio (dead link). Which should be viewable on Google Earth and Google Maps. The photos are mainly from around Wisconsin, with a couple from Chelsea, MI and Schenectady, NY.

I just finished the winter version of my iGoogle Houses Theme (dead link). I tried to make it relatively generic in avoiding anything directly related to the holidays since this theme is supposed to last through February. I'll need to come up with a Spring theme next and after that, I don't know. I still need to make a theme [...]

Later this week I'm going on a ride along with an ambulance service. To date, I've never set foot in an ambulance one way or the other. So this should be an eye opening experience for me. I'm still unsure if I want to do this for a living though. Even after two full months of class, I don't know [...]

You can find everything you want to know about this book right here. What Mistletoe's Night is a story about a teddy bear whose sole purpose in life is to be a Christmas decoration... until one December day, he is thrown out with the trash and has to find a new home. Get the Mistletoe's Night on Lulu Why A number [...]

I had my first EMT-Basic class this evening. This is certainly going to be an interesting experience. The ride along portion of the course alone should be eye opening enough. I never been inside an ambulance one way or an other. But, I am still unsure if I want to do that for a living. At the very least I [...]